Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Monday, July 2, 2012


In keeping up with True ONE Direction tradition, I'm going to THANK every single person who Retweeted and Followed me! I don't have the time right now to list everyone's names but I will do it before bed!

Thank you for joining my blog! I really appreciate that. I have a challenge/request. All of those who join my blog (that means hitting the "follow this site" button) will have the wonderful opportunity of giving me something to take to the guys WHEN I meet them. I PROMISE I will do that. For every other person who followed or tweeted on my behalf, will get their name given to the guys when I meet them! Now, if this mission fails and I don't meet them, well then, that's just sad :(. 

However, I do not think it will fail if everyone TWEETS and RETWEETS my tweets. The more people that follow, the better the odds of the word getting to the guys. I'm not even focusing on getting the boys to follow me because the odds of that are slim to none, but those odds increase with every new follower. SO if you want me to meet them then you need to TWEET the &$^# out of this blog!!! 

It's a challenge, do you accept?! Target, 1500 followers on twitter by July 15. Can we do it!?!?

I think we can! So help me out and I promise I'll stay true to my word! I'm a reporter, I'm not supposed to lie :).

Love you all!

xoxo ;)

Here is a present ;) 

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