Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So its Time for an update..

I think its time I give you a strategy update. For the past few days, I have not tweeted at the guys as much because the odds are no way in my favor. And as I know, Luck is not always on my side. I don't know if I'm willing to take that chance! I would rather save those tweets and have conversations with people to build up my follower base.

I've also found out that people have to actually have an account to "follow" this blog. So I've decided to change the challenge to those who comment! I say I'll cap it at 50. So the 50 top most commenters on my blog over the course of this year will have the option of giving me something personal to take to the guys WHEN I meet them :)

Also, I was super excited when I caught Zayn on Facebook :) He must have seen my post right above his (At least that's what I'm telling myself). I hope its true, how can it not?! Nevertheless, it gives me hope to "stalk" him more on his FB account.

I have a serious question to ask. Do you guys believe I can make this happen?! I keep having doubts and wonder if its worth writing to people who may not care about this at all. Please comment and let me know if you think I can make this happen. It will give me the drive I need to go on. I still have 353 days to go and I'm going to need that support.

I haven't had many new followers today and that is also bringing me down. I need people to RT my tweets and ask people to follow me!

I have a couple of people sending DM's to the boys for me but I need MORE! I need help!! Please help me?

Here are a few pictures of the guys..Hopefully more people will read this and start following. I need to break 1000 views today.

Thanks to all those who are supporting!

xoxo ;)

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