Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Facebook accounts

Hey guys,

So did the guys delete their fb accounts. Zayn has a Page which he now uses and he said he deleted his account but all 5 of them!? Weird right?! Is management stepping in or are they getting midnight knock on the doors and creepy letters? IDK

But I do feel deprived not being able to to see what Liam is up to and what Zayn has to say. It's sad.

Anyways..Im almost at 1000 followers which is awesome. I think I'm going to restrategize. I feel like if I have over 2K followers, then I will be able to make my blog popular. I know my posts have been sparse but I promise I'll get better at posting.

I guess I'm feeling a little homesick (I haven't been home in 2 months) and I won't be going home till September so yea..anyways, can't let the dream die!!!

Ill put up some 1D stuff tonight!

love you!
xoxo :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl I miss you! And you have to tell me when you're gonna be home so I can give you all your stuff!!
