Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lily's message to Josh

Lily claims she loves Josh..gah I love this DOG!

Still trying..

To increase my followers..I figure if by the end of August I have 5K or more followers then I can really revive my mission..more people to listen to me=more people who will spread the word!!!

So excited!

Gonna finish reading Catching fire now :)

love you
xoxo ;)

Followers: 1174
Views: 2386
Days left..IDK lol...later!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Guess What Guess What?!

Josh Hutcherson (for those who don't know (WHY DON'T YOU KNOW?) plays Peeta in the Hunger Games) is an awesome fellow who actually interacts with his fans and that gives my mission hope. I hope that one day the 1Ders will do the same. 

Today I wrote this to him:

Proof he's amazing! Well I think this and Kat Grahams interaction makes me hopefully...
Now if these guys actually picked up on this idea, well that might move us DAYS ahead of plan!

Anyways here's another Refresher of what this whole thing!

I think it's time I refreshed everyone on what this mission is. M21D stands for Mission TO ONE DIRECTION! I'm a reporter at WECT in Wilmington North Carolina. I randomly noticed how social media connected all types of people around the world through just a CLICK! This interested me so I thought why not see if me a little no name girl living in the tiny town of Wilmington NC could be noticed by a big name such as 1D. So I started by picking out a subject and I picked 1D because it was a recent fascination of mine, more than 1 person (better odds) and it would be fun! Also they were on tour and we're going to be back in exactly one year. This meant I could have a deadline and something to look forward to.

AAANNNYYYWWAYS, Long story short, I'm testing out different theories, different ideas, and different ways of being a PAIN in the A$%. BUT I'm pretty sure, its the only way I will get the guys to follow me.

SO if you are intrigued or interested or just plain ol' wanna see me FAIL, Follow this blog, RT every TWEET you see of mine, and DM the guys to FOLLOW ME!

For some odd reason, I feel like if the guys knew what I was doing, they would think it was cool. What do you think?!

xoxo ;)

Great People

GREAT night, Great people on Twitter, and a fantastic day!

Followers: 1075 :)
Views: 2316
Days left: 333

love you!
xoxo ;)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Great Day!!!

I finally hit 1000 followers, Kat Graham from The Vampire Diaries accepted my friend request AND commented to me personally..here is proof:
Josh Hutcherson is always a delight...

Still bummed out about the guys deactivating their fb..Something tells me they have a surprised planned for us and they just want to be left off the radar...

Zayn still has his page so phew..I don't know what I would do without him!

Numbers for today!
Followers: 1011
Views: 2292
Days Left: 334

I think it's time I refreshed everyone on what this mission is. M21D stands for Mission TO ONE DIRECTION! I'm a reporter at WECT in Wilmington North Carolina. I randomly noticed how social media connected all types of people around the world through just a CLICK! This interested me so I thought why not see if me a little no name girl living in the tiny town of Wilmington NC could be noticed by a big name such as 1D. So I started by picking out a subject and I picked 1D because it was a recent fascination of mine, more than 1 person (better odds) and it would be fun! Also they were on tour and we're going to be back in exactly one year. This meant I could have a deadline and something to look forward to.

AAANNNYYYWWAYS, Long story short, I'm testing out different theories, different ideas, and different ways of being a PAIN in the A$%. BUT I'm pretty sure, its the only way I will get the guys to follow me.

SO if you are intrigued or interested or just plain ol' wanna see me FAIL, Follow this blog, RT every TWEET you see of mine, and DM the guys to FOLLOW ME!

For some odd reason, I feel like if the guys knew what I was doing, they would think it was cool. What do you think?!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

That was AWESOME!!!


Teen Choice Awards

2 celebs followed me today, well one on twitter the other one of Facebook!

Twitter: Ryan Lee from Super 8! He's awesome! follow him! 

Kat Graham from The Vampire Diaries accepted my friend request :) http://www.facebook.com/OfficialAccountOfKatGraham

Tonight it's the TEEN CHOICE AWARDS!!! I saw some tweets about how TCA isn't broadcasting in other countries so I decided on a Twitcam! Why not right?!

Make sure you tune in at 7:55pm to my twitter account @sanahsayani

love u
xoxo ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Facebook accounts

Hey guys,

So did the guys delete their fb accounts. Zayn has a Page which he now uses and he said he deleted his account but all 5 of them!? Weird right?! Is management stepping in or are they getting midnight knock on the doors and creepy letters? IDK

But I do feel deprived not being able to to see what Liam is up to and what Zayn has to say. It's sad.

Anyways..Im almost at 1000 followers which is awesome. I think I'm going to restrategize. I feel like if I have over 2K followers, then I will be able to make my blog popular. I know my posts have been sparse but I promise I'll get better at posting.

I guess I'm feeling a little homesick (I haven't been home in 2 months) and I won't be going home till September so yea..anyways, can't let the dream die!!!

Ill put up some 1D stuff tonight!

love you!
xoxo :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Work has taken over!!!

I feel my 1D fantasy slipping out of my hands because WORK IS TAKING OVER!!!

It's a new job so I'm trying to prove myself and working extra hard. This means super tired Sanah by the time I get home and completely UNMOTIVATED to chase 1D. Nevertheless, I mustered up some energy to type this out and stalk the guys a little bit.

Seems like they are living their lives :) ONe day at a time!

Thank you for still clicking on this blog and trying to keep up!

Followers: 859
Views: 2218
Days left: 337

xoxo ;)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Early Night

Super tired.

Followers: 812
Page views: 2181
Days left: 340

xoxo ;)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Josh Hutcherson

What a delightful person he is :)

His Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/itsjhutch

He actually comments back. I have yet to meet a celeb who does that. I am so impressed by him that for a moment I will step away from 1D and talk only about Josh.

For those of you who HAVE NO IDEA who he is, well maybe PEETA from THE HUNGER GAMES will ring a bell. Yes. Meet PEETA MELLARK :)

This makes him a beautiful person inside and out. I'm not saying our guys aren't but I haven't seen them comment back..Josh does :)

Subscribe to him!!!

Numbers for tonight:
Followers: 774
Page Views: 2134
Days Left: 341

xoxo ;)


Followers: 701 :)
Page Views: 2117
Days left: 342

xoxo :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012


So I kinda went a couple of days without writing. I just didn't feel like it :/. I want to get to 1000 followers by tomorrow night. IM SUPER excited that Im already almost at 700!!!

I've been super worked and exhausted...

I'll update with numbers later

xoxo :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lily sings WMYB

Lily, my dog, takes a stab at WMYB.

It's cute :)

Check it out!

Give it a moment, she sings the chorus. I thought maybe the song was bothering her but many sites say some dogs howl because they want to feel included. Others say if it was hurting them, they would run away from the sound or try attacking it. As you can see, she does neither. I hope its not hurting her. My other dog could care less. This isn't the first time she's done this. Every ringtone, alarm, song I play on repeat, she howls. Maybe its because by now, she knows the words :)

Help me make this go viral!!! You haven't seen anything this CUTE!!!

Even my DOG likes ONE DIRECTION!!! That's just how AMAZING they ARE!!!

xoxo ;)


So I feel like a TOTAL stalker on FB but I feel like I have to do it if I want this to happen. It's so not in my nature to bother people but this experiment is just that. Making people uncomfortable, pushing the envelope and "trespassing". I honestly HATE it.

Gah, sometimes I just want to give up and I don't know if I should or not. Maybe I need to draw the line and not bother other people, especially people I have no IDEA about. hm. Something to think about.

anyways, what do you think?!



SO Harry is MIA for about a week and now he can't get off of FB! He's posting every couple of minutes..I think slowly, all of these guys are going to end up on FB. Blame Zayn, he started it =P

I had a good day today. Got done with the work early so now I can update my blog and talk to yall and stalk the guys!!!

I need more followers as usual and I need someone to DM the guys. Can we get #M21D to trend?

xoxo ;)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"It was warm in the cabin.."

Bahaha, Harry will you be my best frienD?

First Time I've seen this version :)

xoxo ;)


It's been a not so good week but today was really good!!! I finally crossed the 550 mark..Dang its taking too long..3 weeks and I'm only at 550? hm..I don't know how to step it up. Any ideas?

Numbers for today (sorry I kinda passed out last night lol)
Followers: 556
Page Views: 1873
Days left: 345

xoxo ;)

xoxo ;)

I have been MIA

Aw man sorry guys, I've just been swamped with work. I promise I'll try harder. I've also been kinda bummed because my twitter numbers arent where I want them to be. :(

Anyways, this cheered me up, it should you too :)

(I just put the picture on top of the track. Track is from One Direction sound thingy.. )

I love Harry Styles :)

xoxo ;)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

For some its still morning...

So TOP of the mornin to ya! Here where I'm at, its the end of a long day's work. I'm about to go on air and I thought I'd give you a picture of the guys!!

xoxo ;)

ps, I'm glad to see Zayn winning the best voice poll :)

UPDATE: Here's my story from today :) Pretty COOL!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Oh Well Goodnight

Thanks to all those who are still believing..I really wish more people would want to help. It's easy to say people care but people will always be jealous of others success. There's nothing one can do about it.

I'm going to have to change my strategy. All I know is if I don't get to like 10K followers and if I don't get people to DM the guys, I won't ever be successful.

I really wish people cared enough :(

bummed out tonight..hmm..Ill watch a couple of vids before I sleep.



numbers today:
followers 516
Views 1767
days left: 346

This will NEVER get old

This will NEVER EVER EVER get old..I will show it to him and laugh EVEN when we're both old and married..(haha rrriiiggghhhtttt)

xoxo ;)

What I did today!

xoxo ;)

Sorry this is late

Good Morning guys..Sorry I'm posting so late but I really need to focus on work first! Today should be an easier day. I'm doing a story on HOT DOGS haha no not the food, but DOGS in this crazy HEAT WAVE!

Anyways..Zayn put up a new pic..I hate the guy just as much as I love him! I've never been one to be crazy about a person but I just feel like he's so CLOSE yet OH SO SO FAR!!! I guess thats why this experiment is happening!

One day he will know me, I'm determined!! TILL THEN this is what he put up!

To reach for another is to risk involvement, to expose your feelings is to expose your true self, to love is to risk not to be loved in return.
 I think I'm going to start trailing LIAM now..Maybe for the next few days all I'll talk about is LIAM and then he will notice me!!!

What do you think?!

xoxo ;)


I didn't know her, I don't even know her name, but I'm sure she made an impact. From what I've learned is that she lost her battle to cancer. I don't know how old she was or what type of cancer. All I know is this:

 I love you forever and always x
 her final tweet. 

I would like to create a post of her bio in hopes that if more people know her story, than more people will care to share. Please comment with any information you have on her or even just something to say to her and I will update this post. Please people, we all have to do our part in making sure she gets her wish. Its never too late. 

I've seen a twitition but it doesn't tell her story. I want to tell her story. 


RIP @spinthelouis

Her name was Manon

All I want for Christmas

I love these guys

And Zayn can sing ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS to me ALL DAY ALL NIGHT LONG!!! <3 him!

xoxo ;)

Midnight numbers:
Followers: 501
Page views: 1646
Days Left: 347

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Made MY DAY!

'nuff said

xoxo ;)

Man Im going to get fired

If I don't stop One Directioning and start looking for stories for work, I'm going to get fired.

I spent all day looking for 1D stuff and trying to get more followers. I've been quite lazy all weekend but thats ok.

Thank you everyone for following and retweeting. Had a great turn out of page views today! Fantastic. I'm going to just start posting random videos of the guys so if you ever want to just relax and watch a video, you can just come here and get them!!!

As far as the task of getting them to know I exist, well I have no idea how thats going. Ive been trying and trying but no luck! I really need people to DM them for me..It's imperative they come to know who I am!!! SOON!!!

PS. I love Harry Potter


Here are some videos:

One Direction - Gotta Be You (Directors Cut) NEW! Includes 


One Direction ~ One Thing - Behind The Scenes

Love it when ZAYN gives LIAM a SMOOCH and Liam goes "I LOVE IT" haha you can actually hear the *SMOOOOOCH* oh zayn!

xoxo ;)

This will make you Happy

HAHAHAHAH oh dear..these guys crack me up!!!

Watch if you haven't!!!

xoxo ;)

My idea of productive

Instead of cleaning, I did this

Xoxo ;)


So I started a Twitition today and one person DID NOT LIKE IT! It was for Zayn to quit smoking at least for Ramadan.

I think I need to clarify something. I'm 25, I'm a reporter doing a story on the powers of Social Media. My game plan is to do anything and everything it takes to get these guys to notice me. To some I may be rude, to some super sweet, to some funny, to others annoying..It's all just to see how people react to these guys and how involved they are..

Bottom line is, I'm a nice low key chick living in North Carolina for the moment. That's all..I like people and I like trouble haha..but everything "nice" I say, is genuine :)

In my time there was no FB, no TWITTER, nothing..MTV when it played music videos is all I had. This is something cool!

So no hard feelings if I piss you OFF!! just let me know what I did so I know ;)

xoxo ;)

Good ZIAM & NIALL morning!

Well the only reason its a them morning is because Zayn, Liam. and Niall had some activity on FB. But I'm kind of upset.

On FB its so easy to just hit the "like" button, but they don't, it's so easy to respond, but they don't, its so much easier to interact with fans, BUT THEY DONT! I don't get it. If I ever become that famous, I don't care if Twitter or FB crash, I'm going to communicate in any way I can with my fans. It's just an observation I've made. It's a good thing I'm doing this story because even if I fail, its something to talk about, something that people are frustrated about. Let's hope I don't fail so I can tell this directly to them, but you know what I mean.

anyways, blowing off steam..how are y'all?!

I ordered my Zayn Malik coffee mug yesterday..Can't wait to show y'all what it looks like!!!!

I'm excited to see my page view numbers are going up which means you are clicking on this blog. That's exciting!

Goal for today is 500 followers and I'll do a twitcam!

I give you ZAYN's new FB profile PIC..maybe he'll change it on TWITTER too..I like it :) UPDATE: HE CHANGED IT BACK TO THE OLD ONE! FART!..BUT I GOT IT!! HAHAHA

xoxo ;)



I share whatever it is I'm watching :)


Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's been a MOVIE DAY!

Hey people!!!

AHH Saturday! I did NOTHING today, just watched MOVIES & Stalked 1D.

Now Im watching SNL with 1D well its a rerun of their performance! Ive seen it a million times on Youtube, but its nothing like watching it on TV!!

THANK YOU for RTing and following tonight! I've crossed the 450 mark!!! GOTTA HIT 500 by tomorrow so I can do a TWITCAM!

Let me know if there is anything else you want to see on my blog. I'll continue updating you on my mission. NOthing has really happened. They guys weren't as active on FB & well MIA on twitter.

I'll keep trying to post videos of the guys! Even if you've seen them, it wont HURT your eyes to watch it again =D

Zayn put up this pic on FB today..I think he's aging well :)
Speaking of Zayn (You're probably rolling your eyes thinking when is she NOT talking about Zayn) lol, I need some HOT pics of ZAYN! I'm designing a MUG and it NEEDS TO BE PERFECT!!! SO comment with links to pictures of ZAYN!

xoxo ;)

Midnight Numbers for today:
Followers: 456
Page Views: 1471
Days Left: 348


Videos of 1D I HAVENT SEEN?! LEts watch together!!!

xoxo ;)


Hey guys make sure you follow me on twitter: @sanahsayani & Facebook: SanahSayani Mission2OneDirection

xoxo ;)

List of Questions..

When I meet these guys in a year, I'm not going to ask them their favorite color or what they look for in a girl but more like 1) do you ever read your FB comments? 2) how do you pick who to follow? 3) and why why why, did it take SO long to click on my BLOG!!!

lol..comment with questions you would ask! Hey, if you believe I can do this, you'll ask the questions now! It's those who support me in the early stages of this mission who will be the closest to my heart :)

xoxo ;)


PICTURE TIME!!! Make sure you vote in the poll & follow this blog!!!

Lets start with Louis :)

And then Harry :)

Niall :)




xoxo ;)