Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

What a Day!

It's been quite an eventful day and its by no means over yet! My goal of 1250 views and 200 followers was once again not achieved. Maybe I'm being too ambitious or maybe I'm not going about it the right way. Any ideas?

I had a fantastic time tweeting to @onedirection. This time they didn't see me and the odds were certainly not in my favor. I counted 45 answers from them that means if 1000 people maxed out their twitter limit at 250 each, over 250,000 tweets were sent to them. And I think there were more people tweeting to them. I do not think its physically possible for them to see that many tweets at one time. Its a gamble! This time I lost, maybe next time I'll win a hand ;)

I do not consider the night a complete failure. As promised I will mention all those who retweeted my tweets today! Thank you!!:




I hope tomorrow will be a better day. I believe the guys are playing in Orlando so that should be good!

Thank you @ for following me!!! I hope you retweet and enjoy my journey!!

xoxo ;)

ps. Im not going to sleep. I'm waiting on the boys to GET BACK ON!!!! tehehe!