Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Busy Busy Day..

Quite a busy day today. My parents came to town to visit so I haven't been able to devote enough time to my mission. Its okay, we're only on day 3. Thank you to all who have followed me. As mentioned, I will blog about all those who have Retweeted me tonight.

I need to increase my followers. Whats the best way to do it.

I ran into a not so nice message. I'm sorry for spamming everyone but if you've read my blog, you know I'm on a SCHEDULE! Also, in the time that it took for her to RESPOND to that, she could have easily hit follow and gained a friend. Instead I was hated on. Its okay, I'm not mad, just bummed. But its all cool, when one door shuts, 2 doors open! From just that I got over 10 followers and had some great conversations with people! Love you for that!!

Once again I'm sorry if you're sick of my messages but I'm just trying to get more allies in this and more followers to get closer to achieving the mission!

Beach time..be back soon! 

xoxo ;)

Day 3...

Good Morning everyone! It's day 3 of my VIRAL campaign and this blog! I've failed to reach the record number of viewership I did from day one but like @WeLuvu_OneD said, "never give up" and I surely don't plan on! I have 355 days left to make this happen and as you see, I'm pretty persistent! Hey that's one of the main qualities of a reporter! Oh and my title is "Multimedia Journalist" Heres a picture of my business card so you know I'm legit!

Like I've said before, this is in no was associated with WECT, FOX WIlmington, or Raycom Media. I am doing this on my own and testing out a story idea I came up with!

I woke up this morning and checked to see if any of the guys had gotten onto twitter last night but they had not. They instead got on FB. Niall and Zayn both facebooked around 4 hours ago. I don't know how they survive with the crazy sleep and work schedule they have. Guess in comparison I shouldn't complain about the round the clock reporter schedule! 

We're in a heatwave so if you guys are in Southeast America, please drink lots of water and stay cool! Orlando is going to be on FIRE tonight! Oh how I wish..Oh how I wish that was me..err wait I was there..

love you all
xoxo ;)

Will he take me higher?

"Let me take you higher, let me prove it
'Cause, hey, hey, pretty girl, I believe it" 

Such a dork! Love it!!!

I sure hope he'll stay true to those words. I think I'm going to spend 10 min sending straight tweets to Zayn. Just copy paste. I'm not proud of it cause its annoying but until someone shows me the light in a different direction, I don't see another option. Besides he seems the HARDEST one to get to follow, therefore he will require more work. It's like I said, he seems like FB more! 

In advance, sorry for blowing up your twitter feed but if it comes across, will you RT it or just smile and say good luck!

Thanks Directioners! Love you! Gnite!!

xoxo ;)

I need help!

I think I may have figured out a way to get noticed. There are so many people out there (okay not so many, but enough) who are being followed by 1 or more of the total 6 accounts. If those people understand what I am doing and Retweet my tweets, I may be able to get more exposure. I don't know if only spamming the guys will work. Im competing with too much!

I need help from big names like @Weluv_OneD, @tornforniall, @Ilouv1Direction, @unfharry69 & @TheStylesVoice to name a few. SO pleASE PLEASE PLEASE support me! Please RT my tweets. Even if it is just one a day! The more exposure I get, the closer this becomes a reality and I know you know the pain of dreaming and the thrill of knowing it has come true :).

Thank you in advance for taking the time out to read this :)

xoxo ;) 

What a Day!

It's been quite an eventful day and its by no means over yet! My goal of 1250 views and 200 followers was once again not achieved. Maybe I'm being too ambitious or maybe I'm not going about it the right way. Any ideas?

I had a fantastic time tweeting to @onedirection. This time they didn't see me and the odds were certainly not in my favor. I counted 45 answers from them that means if 1000 people maxed out their twitter limit at 250 each, over 250,000 tweets were sent to them. And I think there were more people tweeting to them. I do not think its physically possible for them to see that many tweets at one time. Its a gamble! This time I lost, maybe next time I'll win a hand ;)

I do not consider the night a complete failure. As promised I will mention all those who retweeted my tweets today! Thank you!!:




I hope tomorrow will be a better day. I believe the guys are playing in Orlando so that should be good!

Thank you @ for following me!!! I hope you retweet and enjoy my journey!!

xoxo ;)

ps. Im not going to sleep. I'm waiting on the boys to GET BACK ON!!!! tehehe!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Amaze Balls

Haha, I just typed out Amaze Balls, but Ms. Amaze Balls (theres 3 of them) (haha can't stop) is on CLOUD NINE!!! They just got a follow by @Real_Liam_Payne!!! I don't think I've seen anyone so excited and motivational at the same time!

They also Tweeted:

Fantastic! I'm so proud of them! Just like them, I hope to never give up and I hope this mission of mine will be successful and I too in a year from now can say the SAME THING!!

But @WeLuv_OneD will you Follow me?!

xoxo ;)

OH MAD HOUSE Directioners!

Man I think I'm going to get carpal tunnel. I just hit my tweet limit which I think means 250 tweets in an hour. I then went onto @bebe_bridget's account and max her twitter out too!! So Out of 500 tweets sent by just me, none of them were responded to. This just shows you how big 1D is. I don't think people fully understand how much MILLIONS is and that is EXACTLY how many girls are tweeting at the same time with each of them having a limit of 250 per account (many of them have many accounts).

Anyways, that was my first TweetBlast and I Loved it! Still a mystery as to what they chose to answer but I love that they do answer. This only means that my dream is attainable!

Thats it for now!

xoxo ;)


Can we get #M21D to trend?! How does that happen and what is the benefit of it!?!?!?

xoxo ;)

Zayn and Liam FB

Both Zayn and Liam are on FB right now. It seems to me like they like that better. Perhaps its because there aren't a million "updates" being sent to their "feed" by girls every second. On FB, they can just scroll down the comments and keep it pretty clean. I know for a fact Zayn likes FB more than Twitter because theres at least 1 post on their daily if not more vs NEVER signing onto Twitter! Maybe we should switch portalS?!

xoxo ;)

Funny Moments

When I'm bored or thinking about 1D (which is all the time) I start youtubing 1D stuff. This morning I watched:

Can he be any cuter when he says "Vas Happenin?"?! These guys are so REAL! Thats pretty much why people love them so much..Do you agree?!

xoxo ;)

New Goal..is it possible?!

Today's goal will be 200 followers and 1250 page views. Is this possible!?

I'm jamming to 1D on repeat as usual!

What am I listening to right now?
"...Call me a thief, but you should know your part..."

xoxo ;)

Its 1D TWEET DAY!!!!

Much more exciting than it just being FRIDAY!!!

Here is what @onedriection tweeted yesterday:
Guess who is going to be TWEETING IN?! The Whole World

So AM I!

But I'm having a tough time deciding what to tweet to them. I can't ask them to go to my blog because they won't click on links. 140 characters isn't enough to explain my mission.

Do you guys have any idea on what I should Tweet to THEM?!

Please put your TWITTER handle in the Comments section with your suggestion and I promise I will TWEET THEM ALL TO THEM!!! With your Twitter Handle. This way, you too get an extra tweet ;)

Thanks for the support! Love you guys!!

xoxo ;)
My Poor Girls stay up too late with me TWEETING!!!


Last post before I go to sleep. I'm also over my Tweet Limit so I don't have another choice and my chase for 1D ends here for tonight. I hope you will continue to RT, ESPECIALLY when the guys get on!

Just DM'd Ms.@Gemmapetty14 who just received a tweet by Harry Styles!! I asked her if she would send him a DM or a Tweet telling him about what I'm doing and this is what she said:

This is crazy! Well can't say I wouldn't have a similar reaction but to see this makes me realize how much 1D Fans LOVE 1D!

Love it!

Sweet dreams
xoxo ;)

Maybe tomorrow

Alas we have not reached my goal for tonight. Maybe I was being too ambitious. However, I am thrilled to say that in 26 hours I have had over 650 page views! SO many of you have Retweeted and you do not know how much that means to me.

Goal: 357 days left to make this happen
Current Page Views: 657
Followers: 105
Honorable Mentions:

Over 20 people retweeted!


This has left me wanting MORE for tomorrow! Promise me you will STAND by me and HELP ME? BOOKMARK this PAGE! Follow me Twitter

xoxo ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How I learned about 1D...

I think its time to share how I came upon 1D.

Bridget Anderson from Alpharetta (Twitter-Follow her!) and a few others in my Reporting class decided to make a farewell video. (Check it out!)

A few days later, I google "One Direction" and FELL IN LOVE!!! That was it. I got the songs, watched videos and that sealed the deal!

April 26, 2012 changed my life :)

Now I haven't been a fan as long as many of you have but I'm learning new things about these guys every day and well, they're awesome!

So in the end, if it wasn't for Bridget, I would have NEVER learned about 1D and this would have NEVER happened..its like they say, everything happens for a reason ;)

Cool Facts:
Up All Night released November 21, 2011 (3 days after my bday)
Zayn shares his bday with my parents anniversary

xoxo ;)


And then it disappears...

Just like that 30 min after someone from 1D posts, all the "FOLLOW ME" tweets disappear. Everyone now is holding their breath hitting refresh. Mesmerizing to me.

I guess we can call this down time. When I was growing up (I'm 25 so it was too long ago lol), there was no Twitter, no Youtube, the Internet was on DIAL UP (rmr those days?), trying to get the BAckstreet Boys or N'SYNC to notice you was not going to happen. Girls just dreamed (including me) to be lucky enough to be called up onto stage during a contest. Now Social Media has made it so easy to connect us to celebrities. It's a shocker and incredible at the same time.

I hope this journey of mine will put Social Media into perspective and perhaps capture it in one year...we'll see ;)

xoxo ;)


Let's make this happen!

Absolutely astonished at how crazy twitter get when 1 1D member gets on..Well Niall got on about 15 min ago and that was my chance! I gained a few more followers and got retweeted! Thank you everyone for helping me out! You know that when this is successful, you will ALL have played a HUGE part! So thank you for that I truly appreciate it.

Im sitting here watching the 1D documentary and its just beautiful! I haven't watched it yet and these guys just keep getting more perfect! Humble, real, and genuine. Now if only they would FOLLOW ME!

It's ok, soon enough, they will ;)

Dang I just watched the part where Louis talks about the power of twitter and how 20 years ago this would have NEVER happened..SO true..(loved it when Harry said "thank you electricity")

xoxo ;)


Na Na Na...

So as you know, I just discovered 3 new songs from 1D..We'll they aren't new, just new to me! I was able to find "Na Na Na" live but not "Another World" so if you have a link, PLEASE put it in the comments!

Here is "Na Na Na"! Start at 2:00

Heart 1D

xoxo ;)


Zain..I mean Zayn

I saw this picture on someone's twitter and man does he look good (confession, yes Zayn is my FAV!-he is Harry's too!)

Also, I'm glad to share a little bit of myself with him. He is Muslim (and proud) and so am I (VERY PROUD!)

I'm Indian and he's Pakistani but to me its all the SAME!

As a Brownie (how I refer to myself-no ignorance or insult intended), I have heard the name "Zain" all my life. In fact I could probably name 10 guys I know named "Zain" right now. But NEVER has that name sounded any hotter!!! I'm sure you agree about the other guys too!

anyways thought I'd share! Make sure to Follow on Twitter and FB and RETWEET!!!

xoxo ;)


MidDay upDate!

Okay so its been quite a day!

I have almost 500 views on this page and its only been 16 hours since this blog went live. SO THANK you all my fellow twitter folk, for making this happen! My goal is by the time I go to bed, I'll have 1000 hits which I think IS SO PossiblE!

Things I've noticed (or failed to):

These guys they answer the most random questions and follow the most random people. It's if you get lucky, they see your tweet and respond and CHANGE your LIFE FOREVER!!!

I also noticed that they don't follow those who send them the same message over and over again. So, I'm trying not to but its hard because how many times can you come up with clever things for them to respond to?!

okay so who is your favorite 1D member?! and be honest, we all have one we like a little more than the others..Who do you think mine is?!

xoxo ;)


Tweet Date with 1D!

Just signed onto FB and saw this! Guess who is taking their lunch break at 1:55PM!!! MAN, How awesome would it be if they saw this initiative and actually FOLLOWED!!! I'm going to need so much help from you guys!
Will you help me?!

Twitter Limit..

So I've hit my daily limit (but I think I just need to wait a couple of hours before I can start again!)

This means I will switch over to FB and till then, I'm hoping my followers will continue for me!!!

Please DO!

The limit has been lifted but I don't want to hit my 1000 a day limit before the day is even up so I've decided to only tweet when any one of the guys tweets. This way the odds of them following me are HIGHER! Till then, please retweet my tweets and share my mission! 

xoxo :)


I'm SO SORRY if I end up tweeting to you the same message multiple times. Right now, I'm like a robot just replying and copy pasting AWAY and a LOT of you have actually Retweeted SO THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! I really appreciate it!

So Harry is Tweeting and Um, I need him to FOLLOW SO RT RT RT!!!!

xoxo ;)

Just Spammed Harry..

Ok not proud of it but theres no other way.. So I just spammed him because he just TWEETED and dang, insane!

Also MANY of you have Retweet my TWEETS! I love you guys for that! Every time I get an email, I'm one step closer to succeeding and I have ALMOST 1 YEAR LEFT!!!!

Alright, I gotta get back to tweeting! PS, Is there a tweet limit daily!?

Liam on FB!

Liam posts on FB and in less than 1 MIN he has 39 comments! GAH this is really going to be struggle. I hate spamming but that seems to be the only way! So sorry guys if you're getting spammed by me but I don't know what else to do!!! 

xoxo ;)

Niall is on...

Niall is on..and he's following!!! so I'm about to spam him, RT it guys! I've learned that spamming is the way to get them to follow u!!! so here goes! 

xoxo ;)

I'll lift you up...

Okay so HOW IS IT THAT I didn't know about 3 other songs which released only on the UK version of Up All Night?! I'm apparently not the only one. @bebe_bridget went to the concert on Tuesday in Atlanta and said people did not know enough to sing along but who cares!

Anyways, the 3 songs-Another World, Na Na Na, and I should have kissed you are AWESOME SONGS!

I love Another World Another World-Full


This makes me SO happy...I know I can make this happen!!!

@NiallHoran is following people!! just not me :( yet!

People going all the way...

Thanks One Direction Dad for RETWEETING my ORIGINAL POST!!! That's probably the closest I've gotten to the guys during this quest.

Thanks JayVenom for also RETWEETING! It's big ballers like these I need to make this mission a success!

Please retweet all of my tweets, the more Eyes that see it the closer I get to the goal!

Its because of all of you who took the time to RT and visit my page, that I got over 200 pages views in just 2 hours for starting this blog!!!

time for work!!!

xoxo ;)

twitter: sanahsayani

FB: missio2onedirection

Good Morning Zayn Malik...

"Good Morning everyone! I'm Lily!"
Good Morning everyone-Lily says HI! 

I just got on Twitter and saw that Zayn Malik (AHHHHHH) tweeted about 5 times 3 hours ago..that means he was up at till about 5AM! 

How is a girl who goes to work at 9 going to be able to TWEET him at 5!!!!?!? 

So guys, once everyone knows about this mission, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you take over the reins when IM ASLEEP! 

BOOKMARK this page, IT WILL be very very beneficial pretty soon!! 

xoxo ;)

Twitter: sanahsayani
FB: Mission2OneDirection

Video message...

HAHA gotta love the screenshot youtube PICKS!!! HAHA

Hope this gives you an IDEA of who I am!


xoxo :)

Twitter: sanahsayani
FB: mission2onedirection

Niall Horan

So Niall just got on 10 min ago and within a minute of him tweeting, he had over 2000 favorites and retweets. Thats what I'm competing with! Craziness.

My first Video message coming soon! Stay Tuned!!!

xoxo :)

Twitter: sanahsayani
FB: mission2onedirection

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blown AWAY!

Its insane to me how effective media is. I JUST created this and I ALREADY HAVE 45 views..only from tweeting to maybe 10 people!

This is going to be so much fun! Make sure you Comment and SPREAD the WORD!!!

xoxo :)

Twitter: sanahsayani
FB: Mission2OneDirection


Okay so why Mission 2 One Direction!?! I was bored and needed to play on Twitter. One thing led to another and I wanted to test out the powers of social media so I picked One Direction. Why 1D? Well 5 guys (6 total accounts)=better odds. Also what are the odds that these guys who have almost if not more than 4 MILLION followers would follow little ol' me off the coast of North Carolina?

Well that began the mission. I became dedicated to see how long it would take them to follow me. The more time I invested (its been 2 weeks) the more I wanted in return. I've reached a point where now I want them to give me the chance to interview them in Raleigh or Atlanta in one year.

Then I thought, well why not make this a feature story. The journey of a normal girl using social media to get to the hottest unattainable people right now! Just the power of media baffles me and I thought why not test it out!

That led me to this, a VIRAL campaign where you get to experience what I am doing and contribute!

Hence the creation of a blog and my first Video message!


xoxo ;)

Twitter: sanahsayani
fb: mission2onedirection