Who am I?

Wilmington, NC, United States
I am a reporter with WECT in Wilmington, NC. My views are not affiliated with Raycom Media or WECT/Fox Wilmington.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Josh said HI!!!!

I only seem to update nowadays when something EXCITING HAPPENS!!! and OH BOY IS THIS EXCITING!!! JOSH SAID "Hi Sanah" WOOOHOOOO

here is PROOF!!!



xoxo ;)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's been a while..

I haven't posted in a while because well, I've just been busy. It's tough staying motivated when you know the odds are still not in your favor. I'm still trying to gain more followers.

It's August 1st and I figured I could do an update.

No movement really. I've hit a roadblock on ideas. Tweeting to guys seems pointless because what are the odds they will see it!? And Facebook, well even though Liam is back, I'm getting confused with whats real and what's fake. There are so many REAL FAKE accounts. I wish FB would start something like VERIFY so we would know. But in any case..I'm going to just keep trying.

Till then, enjoy your DAY!!!
this video :)

xoxo ;)